HERZBLUAT Management Consultancy, Marketing & Advertising Agency


Management consultancy
Marketing consulting
Sustainability consulting

Salzburg, Austria

HERZBLUAT Management Consultancy, Marketing & Advertising Agency

Management consultancy
Marketing consulting
Sustainability consulting

Salzburg, Austria

In the digital age, where companies are constantly fighting for the attention of their target group, customer feedback has become an invaluable asset.

But why is feedback so important?

And how can it help companies like you - or us at HERZBLUAT - to improve their services and forge stronger bonds with their customers?

Why every word counts.

The power of customer feedback

Real examples,
which underline the importance of feedback

Customer feedback 1:
Problem solving beyond expectations

A long-standing client came to us with a specific problem that was beyond our control.

Instead of simply rejecting him, we took the time to thoroughly analyse and understand the problem.
We realised that a direct solution was not possible, but that did not mean that there were no other ways.

After intensive discussions and brainstorming sessions, we developed a creative workaround.
This approach required additional resources and time from our team, but we were determined to find a solution that met our client's needs.

The result?
An overjoyed customer who not only got a solution to his problem, but also saw that we were willing to go the extra mile for him.

This incident highlights the importance of being proactive and striving for customer satisfaction, even if the challenges seem insurmountable at first.

Customer feedback 2:
Recognition for creative implementation

A short but meaningful e-mail reached us from a customer:
"I think it's really cool what you guys have done with my dream ideas."

Such feedback is not only a sign of appreciation for us, but also proof that our creative efforts are bearing fruit.

Every counselling session is unique and a new challenge.
It requires an empathetic understanding of the client's wishes and needs, combined with our creative - but also downright business - expertise to achieve impressive results.

This feedback shows that we have not only met the expectations of our customers, but even exceeded them.
This motivates us to continue to develop innovative solutions and to get the best out of every project.

Especially in our industry - be it management consultancy, marketing agency or advertising agency - such feedback is a clear indicator that we are on the right track and can really inspire our clients.

Customer feedback 3:
A word is worth a thousand words

After presenting a new business model for the Chinese market, we received a call from a client.

His feedback?
A simple but powerful "Awesome!

This short but impressive commentary was the result of weeks of work, research, planning and heart and soul.

It shows how important it is to consider every detail and ensure that the concept presented is not only innovative, but also implementable and relevant to the client.

Foreign markets are usually complex and require a profound knowledge of local conditions, culture and business practices.

The fact that our client was able to express his satisfaction and enthusiasm in a single word shows that it takes two things:
10% Inspiration and 90% Transpiration.

Praise as fuel for motivation and innovation

Positive feedback is not only confirmation of good work, but also a strong motivator.

They spur us on to constantly strive for excellence and challenge ourselves to find even better solutions for our customers.

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Mr  Ms  Divers 

Customer feedback is more than just words.

It is a powerful tool that can help companies improve their services, build stronger relationships with their customers and succeed in a competitive market.

Do you get feedback from your customers?
How do you deal with feedback?
Do you have feedback for us?

How do you deal with feedback?
Do you use it to improve your HR strategy, services, products, sustainability programmes or offerings?
What tools and/or methods do you use to get feedback from your customers, employees, suppliers and partners?

It would be wonderful if you have feedback for us as well.
Please take 10 to 15 minutes and answer our 39 questions for you.

We look forward to working with you to create a more sustainable and successful future for your business.

You can reach us by telephone +43 664 81 97 894 or by e-mail to office@herzbluat.at.

Gregor Wimmer
Management consultant
Marketing specialist

+43 664 81 97 894

#HERZBLUAT, #Customer feedback, #Customer satisfaction, #ESG, #Sustainability, #Corporate culture, #Customer feedback.

HERZBLUAT Management Consultancy, Marketing Consultancy, Sustainability Consultancy, Salzburg, Austria
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