HERZBLUAT Management Consultancy, Marketing & Advertising Agency

Management consultancy
Marketing &
Advertising agency

Salzburg, Austria

HERZBLUAT Management Consultancy, Marketing & Advertising Agency

Management consultancy
Marketing &
Advertising agency

Salzburg, Austria

Family businesses face particular challenges and opportunities in the area of conflict between tradition and innovation.

The sustainability transformation offers a special opportunity to act as a driver of innovation and to strategically shape organisational development.

How family businesses can successfully implement this transformation, how they can implement climate-friendly measures in line with social sustainability and how they should organise their CSR and sustainability communication.

We also show you how HERZBLUAT can support you in these processes.

Family business between tradition and innovation.

Sustainability transformation as an opportunity

Tradition and innovation in a family business

Tradition and innovation

Family businesses are often characterised by strong values and long-standing traditions, which form the backbone of their success.

These values are deeply rooted in the corporate culture and ensure stability and trust.

At the same time, family businesses need to be innovative in order to remain competitive in a rapidly changing market environment.

This balance between tradition and innovation is crucial for sustainable development.

Challenges in the field of tension

Family businesses are faced with the challenge of preserving their traditional values while at the same time developing innovative solutions that meet current market requirements.

This often requires a rethink in corporate management and a willingness to break new ground without neglecting one's roots.

Sustainability transformation as a driver of innovation

Strategic anchoring in organisational development

Sustainability transformation can be used as a driver of innovation, especially in family businesses, by systematically integrating sustainable action into organisational development.

This includes the development of new products and services that are environmentally and socially compatible and the optimisation of existing processes in order to minimise their environmental and social impact.

Advantages of a sustainability transformation

Competitive advantage:
Family businesses that implement sustainable practices can set themselves apart from the competition and tap into new market segments.

Cost savings:
Efficient resource utilisation and waste avoidance can reduce costs and increase profitability.

Employee satisfaction:
Sustainable family businesses attract talented employees and retain them in the long term through a positive working environment.

Strengthening the brand:
Sustainable practices and clear communication of these endeavours strengthen the brand image and promote the trust of customers and partners.

Access to capital:
Credit institutions are increasingly emphasising sustainable business models, which can facilitate access to financing opportunities.

Climate-friendly transformation and social sustainability

Opportunities for a climate-friendly transformation

Implementing climate-friendly measures offers numerous benefits, including reducing the environmental footprint and improving the company's reputation.

Family businesses can play a pioneering role here by using innovative technologies and processes that minimise CO2 emissions and use resources efficiently.

Integrating social sustainability

Social sustainability is another important aspect of the sustainability transformation.

This includes promoting fair working conditions, supporting local communities and creating an inclusive working environment.

By integrating social sustainability, family businesses can ensure that their transformation is not only environmentally but also socially responsible.

CSR and sustainability communication

The importance of communication

Effective CSR and sustainability communication is crucial to gaining the trust and support of stakeholders.

Transparent and credible communication about sustainability strategies and successes helps to strengthen the company's image and build long-term relationships with customers, banks and the public.

The importance of communication

Effective CSR and sustainability communication is crucial to gaining the trust and support of stakeholders.

Transparent and credible communication about sustainability strategies and successes helps to strengthen the company's image and build long-term relationships with customers, banks and the public.

Support from HERZBLUAT

Consultancy and strategy development

HERZBLUAT offers comprehensive consulting services to support family businesses in the development and implementation of their sustainability strategy.

We help you develop customised solutions that preserve your traditional values while promoting innovative, sustainable practices.

Analysis and evaluation:
We conduct a detailed analysis of your current practices and strategies to identify areas for improvement.

Objectives and planning:
Together we develop clear goals and a detailed plan to achieve these goals and integrate sustainable practices into your business processes.

Implementation and monitoring:
We support you in implementing the new strategies and help you to monitor and adjust progress to ensure that your sustainability goals are achieved.

Process and innovation design

We support you in designing and optimising your business processes in order to promote sustainable innovation.

This includes identifying optimisation potential, implementing new technologies and training your employees in sustainable action.

Process optimisation:
We analyse your existing processes and identify opportunities to increase efficiency and conserve resources.

Technology integration:
We support you in implementing modern technologies that support your sustainability goals - from renewable energies to waste management systems.

Employee training:
Through targeted training and workshops, we ensure that your employees have the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively implement sustainable practices.

Realising communication

HERZBLUAT helps you to design and implement your sustainability communication effectively.
We develop communication strategies that present your successes in a transparent and credible manner and support you in reporting and using digital channels to disseminate your messages.

Strategy development:
We develop customised communication strategies that present your sustainability goals and successes clearly and convincingly.

Content creation:
Our team creates engaging content for various communication channels such as social media, corporate blogs and press releases.

We support you in creating comprehensive sustainability reports that meet international standards and make your progress transparent.

Advantages of working with HERZBLUAT

Customised solutions

HERZBLUAT offers customised solutions that are specifically tailored to the needs and objectives of your family business.

We consider your traditional values as well as your innovation goals in order to enable a sustainable transformation.

Expertise and experience

Our team consists of experts with extensive experience in the fields of sustainability, innovation management and communication.

We have the necessary expertise to support you at every step of the transformation process.

Long-term partnership

We see ourselves as a long-term partner to your company.

Our aim is not only to support you in the development and implementation of your sustainability strategy, but also to assist you in the long term to continuously improve and adapt your sustainable practices.

Holistic approach

HERZBLUAT pursues a holistic approach.

This covers all aspects of your sustainability transformation - from process optimisation and the implementation of new technologies to the effective communication of your successes.

In this way, we ensure that all measures are interlinked and that your sustainability goals are achieved efficiently.

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Mr  Ms  Divers 

Family businesses have the unique opportunity to act as drivers of innovation through sustainability transformation and to strategically shape their organisational development.

The integration of climate protection and social sustainability offers numerous advantages, including improving the company's reputation, reducing costs and promoting employee satisfaction.

Effective CSR and sustainability communication is crucial to gaining the trust and support of stakeholders.

With the support of HERZBLUAT, family businesses can ensure that their sustainability strategies are successfully implemented and communicated.

We offer comprehensive consulting and support services to guide you through every step of your sustainability transformation - from strategy development to implementation and communication.

Our customised solutions and ongoing support help you to achieve your goals and be successful in the long term.

We look forward to working with you to create a more sustainable and successful future for your business.

You can reach us by telephone +43 664 81 97 894 or by e-mail to office@herzbluat.at.

Dkkfm. Gregor Wimmer, CMC
Certified management consultant
Certified sustainability expert
Marketing specialist

+43 664 81 97 894

#Sustainability transformation, #Family business, #Driver of innovation, #Climate neutrality, #Corporate change, #Sustainability strategy, #Future viability, #Resource efficiency, #Environmental awareness, #CSR, #Green transformation, #Corporate culture, #Sustainability targets, #ESG, #Climate protection, #Sustainability management, #Sustainable growth, #Innovation network, #TTransformation processes, #Energy efficiency, #Circular economy, #Sustainable technologies, #Business ethics, #value chain, #sustainableinnovation, #market leader, #sustainableproducts, #future orientation, #promotinginnovation, #business models

© HERZBLUAT Management Consultancy, Marketing & Advertising Agency, Salzburg, Austria
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