HERZBLUAT Management Consultancy, Marketing & Advertising Agency

Management consultancy
Marketing &
Advertising agency

Salzburg, Austria

HERZBLUAT Management Consultancy, Marketing & Advertising Agency

Management consultancy
Marketing &
Advertising agency

Salzburg, Austria

The requirements for corporate sustainability reporting have changed significantly in recent years.

With the introduction of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS), companies are increasingly required to report on their environmental, social and governance performance.

Who is required to report under the CSRD, how small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) can report voluntarily in accordance with the "Voluntary Standards for Non-Listed Small and Medium-sized Enterprises" (ESRS VSME) and what advantages this has for various stakeholders.

Non-financial reporting by companies

Sustainability reporting

Reporting obligations under the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD)


The CSRD aims to harmonise and improve sustainability reporting in Europe.

Companies that are subject to the CSRD must prepare comprehensive reports on their sustainability performance.

These reports cover environmental, social and governance (ESG) aspects and are intended to help promote transparency and responsibility in business.

Who is obliged to report?

According to the CSRD, companies are required to report if they fulfil at least two of the following criteria:

- Net sales of 50 million euros
- Balance sheet total of 25 million euros
- At least 250 employees

This means that a large number of medium-sized and large companies in Europe fall within the scope of this directive and must report in detail on their sustainability performance.

Requirements of the CSRD

The CSRD requires companies to provide comprehensive information on a wide range of topics:

Environmental impact:
This includes information on greenhouse gas emissions, energy consumption, water consumption and waste management.

Social issues:
Including reports on working conditions, equality, diversity and human rights.

Information on corporate governance, anti-corruption and compliance, among other things.

These reports must be prepared annually and made publicly available to ensure that all stakeholders, including investors, customers, suppliers and employees, have access to this important information.

Voluntary reporting in accordance with ESRS VSME

What is VSME?

"Voluntary SME Standard" (* SME: Small and Medium Enterprises)

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that are not subject to the reporting requirements of the CSR Directive have the option of reporting voluntarily in accordance with the European Sustainability Reporting Standards for Non-Listed SMEs (ESRS VSME).

These standards offer a structured way of documenting and communicating sustainability performance even without a legal obligation.

Why should SMEs report voluntarily?

Although SMEs are not legally obliged to report in accordance with the ESRS VSME, there are many good reasons to do so:

Improved access to funding:
Investors and banks are attaching increasing importance to sustainability data. Transparent reporting improves creditworthiness and investment opportunities.

Stronger customer loyalty:
Customers favour companies that disclose their sustainability performance. This increases customer loyalty and opens up new market segments.

Improved supplier relationships:
Suppliers favouring partners with sustainable practices leads to more stable and trusting relationships.

Employee motivation and loyalty:
Transparent and credible sustainability communication increases employee satisfaction and loyalty.

Strengthening the brand reputation:
Sustainability reporting helps to improve the company's image and strengthens public confidence.

Benefits of sustainability reporting for SMEs

Financing and investors

Transparent sustainability reporting can significantly improve access to capital. Investors and banks are paying increasing attention to sustainable business practices and ESG criteria when making investment decisions.

Companies that disclose their sustainability performance can benefit from better financing conditions and a greater willingness on the part of investors to invest in the company.

Supplier and customer relationships

Sustainability reports strengthen relationships with suppliers and customers.

Suppliers are more willing to work with companies that commit to sustainable practices and disclose them.

Customers are increasingly favouring products and services from companies that are committed to ecological and social responsibility.

This can increase customer satisfaction and loyalty and open up new market segments.

Employee retention and motivation

Employees attach great importance to the values and practices of their employer.

Transparent and honest sustainability communication can significantly increase employee motivation and loyalty.

Companies that disclose their sustainability performance attract talented employees and create a positive work environment that fosters long-term loyalty.

Trust and reputation

Credible and transparent sustainability reporting strengthens public trust and improves brand reputation.

Companies that disclose their environmental and social performance are perceived as responsible and trustworthy partners.

This can have a positive impact on the company's image and open up new business opportunities.

Support from HERZBLUAT

Consultancy and strategy development

HERZBLUAT offers comprehensive consulting services to support SMEs in the development and implementation of their sustainability strategies.

We help you develop customised solutions that preserve your traditional values while promoting innovative, sustainable practices.

Analysis and evaluation:
We conduct a detailed analysis of your current practices and strategies to identify areas for improvement.

Objectives and planning:
Together we develop clear goals and a detailed plan to achieve these goals and integrate sustainable practices into your business processes.

Implementation and monitoring:
We support you in implementing the new strategies and help you to monitor and adjust progress to ensure that your sustainability goals are achieved.

Process and innovation design

We support you in designing and optimising your business processes in order to promote sustainable innovation.

This includes identifying optimisation potential, implementing new technologies and training your employees in sustainable action.

Process optimisation:
We analyse your existing processes and identify opportunities to increase efficiency and conserve resources.

Technology integration:
We support you in implementing modern technologies that support your sustainability goals - from renewable energies to waste management systems.

Employee training:
Through targeted training and workshops, we ensure that your employees have the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively implement sustainable practices.

Communication realisation

HERZBLUAT helps you to design and implement your sustainability communication effectively.

We develop communication strategies that present your successes in a transparent and credible manner and support you in reporting and using digital channels to disseminate your messages.

Strategy development:
We develop customised communication strategies that present your sustainability goals and successes clearly and convincingly.

Content creation:
Our team creates engaging content for various communication channels such as social media, corporate blogs and press releases.

We support you in creating comprehensive sustainability reports that meet international standards and make your progress transparent.

Advantages of working with HERZBLUAT

Customised solutions

HERZBLUAT offers customised solutions that are specifically tailored to the needs and objectives of your company.

We consider your traditional values as well as your innovation goals in order to enable a sustainable transformation.

Expertise and experience

Our team consists of experts with extensive experience in the fields of sustainability, innovation management and communication.

We have the necessary expertise to support you at every step of the transformation process.

Long-term partnership

We see ourselves as a long-term partner to your company.

Our aim is not only to support you in the development and implementation of your sustainability strategy, but also to assist you in the long term to continuously improve and adapt your sustainable practices.

Holistic approach

HERZBLUAT pursues a holistic approach that covers all aspects of your sustainability transformation - from process optimisation and the implementation of new technologies to the effective communication of your successes.

In this way, we ensure that all measures are interlinked and that your sustainability goals are achieved efficiently.

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Mr  Ms  Divers 

Sustainability reporting - less of a chore, more of an opportunity for the future

Sustainability reporting is an essential part of modern corporate management and offers numerous benefits, from improving financing conditions to strengthening customer and employee loyalty.

With the support of HERZBLUAT, you can ensure that your sustainability strategy is successfully implemented and communicated.

We offer comprehensive consulting and support services to guide you through every step of your reporting - from strategy development to implementation and communication.

Our customised solutions and ongoing support help you to achieve your goals and be successful in the long term.

We look forward to working with you to create a more sustainable and successful future for your business.

You can reach us by telephone +43 664 81 97 894 or by e-mail to office@herzbluat.at.

Dkkfm. Gregor Wimmer, CMC
Certified management consultant
Certified sustainability expert
Marketing specialist

+43 664 81 97 894

#SustainabilityReporting, #Non-financialReporting, #CorporateSustainability, #ESGReporting, #CSR, #CorporateSocialResponsibility, #SustainabilityReporting, #Sustainability, #EnvironmentalReporting, #SocialReporting, #GovernanceReporting, #SustainabilityDisclosure, #NonFinancialReporting, #SustainabilityMetrics, #GreenBusiness, #SustainableBusiness, #EthicalBusiness, #CorporateTransparency, #ESGStandards, #SustainabilityGoals, #CorporateResponsibility, #SustainableDevelopment, #TripleBottomLine, #ClimateReporting, #SustainableFinance, #GreenReporting, #SustainableInvesting, #ESGGoals, #SustainabilityInitiatives, #CorporateEthics

© HERZBLUAT Management Consultancy, Marketing & Advertising Agency, Salzburg, Austria
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