HERZBLUAT Management Consultancy, Marketing & Advertising Agency


Management consultancy
Marketing consulting
Sustainability consulting

Salzburg, Austria

HERZBLUAT Management Consultancy, Marketing & Advertising Agency

Management consultancy
Marketing consulting
Sustainability consulting

Salzburg, Austria

In an increasingly globalised world, corporate responsibility goes beyond their immediate activities.

The Supply Chain Act is a groundbreaking piece of legislation that will redefine the role of business in Austria and beyond.

This article examines the impact of this law on Austrian companies with a special focus on medium, small and micro enterprises.

A new era for Austrian companies

The Supply Chain Act

The Supply Chain Act at a glance

The Supply Chain Act is a legal instrument that holds companies accountable for human rights and environmental issues in their supply chains.

The law obliges companies to identify, prevent and mitigate negative impacts on human rights and the environment in their supply chains.

Failure to comply with this obligation may result in civil liability.

It should be emphasised that the law does not only affect large companies, but indirectly also medium-sized and small companies that are part of global supply chains.

Implications for Austrian companies

The impact of supply chain legislation on Austrian companies is diverse and far-reaching.

These laws have the potential to fundamentally change the way companies do business.

Direct effects

Austrian companies that are suppliers to companies in countries with supply chain laws are already indirectly affected by these laws.

Even if medium, small and micro enterprises (SMEs and EPUs) are not directly affected by the legislation, they may be indirectly affected by a risk assessment as suppliers.

This means that they must review their own supply chains and ensure compliance with human rights and environmental standards.

Indirect effects

In addition, Austrian companies that are part of the supply chain of several large companies in different countries may have to comply with several different supply chain laws.

This can lead to additional costs and complexity.

It is therefore important that companies develop a comprehensive supply chain compliance strategy.

Reputational effects

Austrian companies can also benefit from positive reputational effects associated with compliance with supply chain laws.

Companies that take their supply chain responsibilities seriously can use this as a competitive advantage.

They can use compliance with supply chain laws as part of their brand identity and marketing to gain the trust of consumers and stakeholders.

Support through politics

Politics can support Austrian companies in implementing their human rights due diligence in a forward-looking manner.

This can be done through regulatory intervention, financial support and promotion of advisory services.

The future: EU supply chain law (CSDD)

The EU is planning to introduce a uniform supply chain law known as Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence (CSDD).

This law will have far-reaching effects on businesses across the EU.

The law is expected to impose stricter requirements on companies and oblige them to monitor their supply chains even more closely.

Content of the law

The planned EU Supply Chain Act is intended to go beyond the German Supply Chain Obligations Act.

It is intended to expand both the scope of application and the obligations of companies.

The European Parliament's legislative proposal aims to avoid potential or actual negative impacts on human rights and the environment as far as possible and to promote responsible business practices along the value chain.

Role of HERZBLUAT Management Consulting

In this new regulatory environment, HERZBLUAT Unternehmensberatung has a crucial role to play.

We will help companies navigate the complexity of legislation, develop compliance strategies and turn regulatory challenges into opportunities for sustainable growth.

The importance of innovative sustainable service and product developments

The law underlines the need for companies to develop innovative sustainable services and products.

By integrating sustainability into their core activities, companies will not only comply with the law, but also gain a competitive advantage.

Marketing and advertising in times of the Supply Chain Act

The law also has implications for marketing and advertising.

Companies that can demonstrate that they comply with the law can use this in their marketing and advertising strategies to strengthen their brand image and attract conscious consumers.

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Mr  Ms  Divers 

The Supply Chain Act represents a significant change in the business landscape. While it brings challenges, it also opens up new opportunities for companies to integrate sustainability and innovation. With the right strategies, companies can turn compliance into a competitive advantage.

It is important to emphasise that the Supply chain law not only a challenge but also an opportunity for companies represents. It offers them the opportunity to rethink their business practices and develop more sustainable and ethical models. Companies that are able to adapt to these new requirements and integrate them into their business strategies are likely to have a competitive advantage over their peers.

In addition, the Supply Chain Act can help raise awareness of the importance of sustainability and human rights in business. It can help promote a culture of responsibility and transparency in supply chains, contributing to a fairer and more sustainable economy.

Finally, it is important to stress that the Supply Chain Act should not be viewed in isolation. It is part of a broader trend towards more sustainability and responsibility in business. Companies should therefore consider not only the Supply Chain Act, but also other relevant laws and standards when rethinking their business practices and developing their compliance strategies.

Your way into the future with HERZBLUAT!

Get in touch with us today!
At HERZBLUAT, we offer comprehensive advisory services. We help companies navigate the complexities of supply chain law.

Contact us today to learn how we can help you transform regulatory and, most importantly, organisational and communication challenges into opportunities for sustainable growth.

Do not hesitate to contact us today to start successfully into the future together!

You can reach us by telephone +43 664 81 97 894 or by e-mail to office@herzbluat.at.

We look forward to working with you and taking your business to the next level!

Gregor Wimmer
Management consultant
Marketing specialist

+43 664 81 97 894

#SupplyChainAct #Sustainability #CorporateSustainability #DueDiligence #CSDD #EU SupplyChainAct #SustainableBusinessPractices


Political and legal framework and business opportunities | Sustainability - WKO.at

Commission proposal for a directive on corporate due diligence with regard to sustainability - WKO.at

Supply chain responsibility in Austria - Federal Ministry of Labour and Economic Affairs

Provisional political agreement: New regulations for corporate sustainability reporting - Federal Chancellery

Supply Chain Act - Global 2000

CSR Supply Chain Act (LkSG) - CSR in Germany, Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairss

HERZBLUAT Management Consultancy, Marketing Consultancy, Sustainability Consultancy, Salzburg, Austria
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