HERZBLUAT Management Consultancy, Marketing & Advertising Agency


Management consultancy
Marketing consulting
Sustainability consulting

Salzburg, Austria

HERZBLUAT Management Consultancy, Marketing & Advertising Agency

Management consultancy
Marketing consulting
Sustainability consulting

Salzburg, Austria

Time and again, companies are faced with the decision to carry out their marketing activities internally or to outsource them to agencies.

This dilemma, known as "make or buy", is more relevant than ever in marketing.

We highlight the benefits and challenges of both approaches and why more and more companies are opting for outsourcing.

Why companies outsource their marketing departments.

Make or Buy in Marketing

Expertise - the key to success

Marketing agencies like HERZBLUAT offer a pool of experts who specialise in different areas of marketing.

From digital marketing to classic marketing strategies, our experts are always up to date.

This bundled knowledge makes it possible to develop targeted and efficient marketing strategies that are precisely tailored to the target group.

Companies like yours benefit from this expert knowledge without having to invest in the further training of an internal team themselves.

Efficiency through specialisation

Through our specialisation, we work more efficiently.

We know the best tools and methods, have proven processes and can therefore deliver results faster and more accurately than internal teams.

This not only leads to better marketing results, but also to a more efficient use of resources.

Cost savings - more for your money

A clear advantage of outsourcing is the possible cost savings.

Instead of investing in a large in-house team, you only pay for the services you actually use.

This allows for better budget control and often a higher return on investment.

In addition, you save further costs through economies of scale and access to specialised tools.

Interim Management
Flexibility through temporary management

In phases of change (transfer of operations, change of personnel, expansion of business areas, product launch, ...) or for specific projects, it makes sense for companies to resort to interim management.

Interim management offers companies the opportunity to deploy us as highly qualified managers or specialists for a limited period of time.

This is particularly useful when a company is in a transition phase, a management position is temporarily vacant or a particular expert is needed for a specific project.

Temporary management allows companies to react quickly and flexibly to changes without committing to a long-term contract.

This not only offers financial advantages, but also makes it possible to bring our specialised know-how into the company exactly when it is needed.

Flexibility and scalability through outsourcing

Marketing is one of the most agile disciplines in business.

Companies need to be flexible in order to be able to react to changes.

With HERZBLUAT, they can quickly scale up or down their marketing activities as needed.

This allows you to adapt to changing market conditions and always pursue the most effective marketing strategies.

A fresh look - avoiding operational blindness

An internal team sometimes loses sight of new opportunities.

An outside view can bring new perspectives and ideas that have been overlooked internally.

Our fresh view helps to find innovative solutions and overcome operational blindness.

Sustainability in focus

Sustainable marketing is more than short-term success.

We support companies in developing long-term strategies that will last for years and have a positive impact on economic success, the environment and society.

This makes your marketing not only contemporary, but also future-proof and suitable for grandchildren.

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Weighing strengths and weaknesses

Although outsourcing offers many advantages, there are - to be honest - also disadvantages.

It is important to look at both sides and make an informed decision.

Possible risks such as the loss of internal know-how or dependence on an external provider should be carefully considered.

Assessing opportunities and risks

Cooperation with HERZBLUAT opens up new market opportunities for you.

At the same time, there is a risk that we do not fully understand your corporate culture or your goals right away.

For this reason, it is very important to carry out the goal-setting, briefing and re-briefing process carefully, to maintain a trusting and transparent relationship and to ensure that we are both working towards the same goal.

But we are professionals in this and have over 30 years of advisory experience.

The "make or buy" decision in marketing depends on the individual needs and resources of a company.

While outsourcing offers many advantages, companies should also consider the potential risks.

Regardless of the approach taken, it is important that companies have a clear marketing strategy that supports their business objectives.

And of course we are happy to support you with everything!

Are you considering outsourcing your marketing?
You want to make your marketing more efficient?
The position of your marketing manager is vacant?
Would you like temporary support?

If you ask just one of these questions not with "No, maybe even several euphorically with "YES!" then you should pick up the phone and call us now.

We look forward to working with you to create a more sustainable and successful future for your business.

You can reach us by telephone +43 664 81 97 894 or by e-mail to office@herzbluat.at.

Gregor Wimmer
Management consultant
Marketing specialist

+43 664 81 97 894

#Marketing, #Outsourcing, #Srategy, #Interim Management, #Make or Buy, #Marketing agencies, #Expertise, #Efficiency, #cost saving, #Flexibility, #Innovation, #Sustainability, #Interimsmanagement, #Mtemporary management

© HERZBLUAT Management Consultancy, Marketing & Advertising Agency, Salzburg, Austria
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