HERZBLUAT Management Consultancy, Marketing & Advertising Agency


Management consultancy
Marketing consulting
Sustainability consulting

Salzburg, Austria

HERZBLUAT Management Consultancy, Marketing & Advertising Agency

Management consultancy
Marketing consulting
Sustainability consulting

Salzburg, Austria

It is essential to know exactly what your customers need and want.

One effective method for this is the creation of personas.

Have you ever heard of Empathy Maps or the Limbic Map?

Do you know what a value proposition is and how you can apply it on both the customer and retailer side?

Do you know the Value Proposition Canvas?

Why these concepts are so important and how HERZBLUAT can help you to make your business model sustainable.

Hand on heart:

Have you already created personas for your company's customers?

What are personas?

Definition and meaning

Personas are fictitious, generalised representations of your ideal customers.

They are based on market research and real data about your existing customers.

Creating personas helps you to better understand the needs, goals and behaviours of your customers.

This allows you to tailor your marketing strategies and products to the wishes and needs of your target group.

Creation of personas

The creation of personas requires careful analysis of your customer data.

Below you will find some steps that you can follow:

Collect data:
Use various sources such as surveys, interviews and web analyses to collect information about your customers.

Segment data:
Identify common characteristics and patterns in the collected data.

Create personas:
Develop detailed profiles of your ideal customers, including demographics, behaviours, goals and challenges.

Advantages of personas

Targeted marketing:
With clearly defined personas, you can formulate your marketing messages more precisely and address them specifically to your target group.

Product development:
Understand which functions and features are most important to your customers and customise your products accordingly.

Customer satisfaction:
By gaining a deeper understanding of your customers' needs, you can increase their satisfaction and build long-term customer relationships.

What is an empathy card?

Definition and benefits

An empathy map is a tool that helps you to understand the perspective of your customers.

It visualises what your customers think, feel, see, hear, say and do.

This allows you to delve deeper into the emotions and motivations of your customers and adapt your marketing messages accordingly.

Creating an empathy map

Select customer segment:
Select a specific customer segment for which you would like to create an empathy map.

Collect information:
Use qualitative data from interviews and observations to gain insights into the behaviour and emotions of your customers.

Create an empathy map:
Fill in the various fields of the empathy card with the information you have collected to get a comprehensive picture of your customers.

Advantages of the empathy card

Improved customer loyalty:
By gaining a deeper understanding of your customers' emotions and needs, you can create more personalised and relevant marketing messages.

Optimised customer journey:
Identify your customers' pain and pleasure points along the customer journey and improve their experience.

Innovation potential:
Discover new ideas for products and services that are based on the real needs and wishes of your customers.

What is a limbic map?

Definition and application

A limbic map is a model that visualises people's emotional and motivational needs.

It is based on findings from neuroscience and helps companies to understand the deep psychological drives of their customers.

The limbic map categorises emotions and motivations into different areas such as dominance, stimulation and balance.

Use of the Limbic Map

By using a limbic map, you can better understand the emotional needs of your customers and adapt your marketing strategies accordingly.

This leads to a stronger emotional bond and higher customer satisfaction.

Application of a Limbic Map

Targeted communication:
Tailor your marketing messages to the emotional needs of your target group.

Product positioning:
Position your products so that they meet the emotional needs of your customers.

Brand development:
Develop your brand in a way that strengthens the emotional bond with your customers.

What is a value proposition?

Definition and meaning

A value proposition describes the benefits that your products or services offer your customers.

It answers the question of why customers should decide in favour of your offer and what added value they derive from it.

Creating a value proposition

Define target group:
Identify the target group that should benefit from your offer.

Analyse customer benefits:
Identify the most important needs and problems of your target group.

Formulate a value proposition:
Develop a clear and concise statement that describes the benefits of your offer.

Advantages of a defined value proposition

A well-formulated value proposition creates clarity about the benefits of your offer.

Competitive advantage:
Set yourself apart from your competitors with a unique value proposition.

Customer focus:
Make sure that your products and services meet the actual needs of your customers.

What is a value proposition canvas?

Definition and application

The Value Proposition Canvas is a tool that supports you in the systematic development and review of your value proposition.

It consists of two main areas: the customer segment and the value proposition.

The canvas helps you to harmonise the needs of your customers and the benefits of your offer.

Application of the value proposition canvas

Analyse customer segment:
Describe the needs, wishes and challenges of your customers.

Define value proposition:
Identify how your product or service fulfils these needs and solves problems.

Check conformity:
Check whether your value proposition matches the needs of your customers and adapt it if necessary.

Advantages of the value proposition canvas

Structured approach:
The canvas provides a structured approach for developing and reviewing your value proposition.

Customer centricity:
Make sure that your products and services meet the actual needs of your customers.

Continuous improvement:
Use the canvas to regularly review and adapt your value proposition.

HERZBLUAT supports you in the creation of personas, empathy maps, the application of the Limbic Map and the Value Proposition Canvas.

Our services include

Data analysis:
We collect and analyse relevant data to create well-founded personas and empathy maps.
HERZBLUAT uses state-of-the-art analysis methods to gain detailed insights into the behaviour and needs of your customers.
By combining quantitative and qualitative data, we obtain a comprehensive picture that forms the basis for the creation of personas and empathy maps.

Workshops and trainings:
We offer workshops and training sessions to familiarise your team with the necessary tools and methods.
Our workshops and training courses are designed to equip your team with the necessary tools and methods.
We impart practical knowledge and offer customised training courses that are tailored to the specific needs of your company.

Strategy consulting:
Our experts support you in the development and implementation of your value proposition.
We help you to formulate your offers clearly and concisely and tailor them to the needs of your target group.
We also support you in integrating the value proposition into your marketing and sales strategy.

Continuous support:
We support you in the ongoing review and adaptation of your strategies to ensure that they fulfil the changing requirements.
After implementation, we support you in the continuous review and adaptation of your strategies.
This includes regular reviews, feedback loops and adjustments to ensure that your strategies continue to be effective and meet changing market demands.

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Mr  Ms  Divers 

We provide you with comprehensive support in implementing your marketing and sustainability strategies.

The creation of personas, empathy maps, the use of the Limbic Map and the Value Proposition Canvas are crucial tools for better understanding the needs and wishes of your customers and developing your marketing strategies on this basis.

With the support of HERZBLUAT, you can ensure that your business model is sustainable and customer-orientated.

Our customised solutions and ongoing support help you to achieve your goals and be successful in the long term.

We look forward to working with you to create a more sustainable and successful future for your business.

You can reach us by telephone +43 664 81 97 894 or by e-mail to office@herzbluat.at.

Dkkfm. Gregor Wimmer, CMC
Certified management consultant
Certified sustainability expert
Marketing specialist

+43 664 81 97 894

#Personas, #EmpathyMaps, #LimpicMap, #ValuePropositionCanvas, #customer needs, #customer behaviour, #customer analysis, #target group analysis, #user centricity, #design thinking, #customer segmentation, #user research, #customer experience, #customer expectations, #customer experience, #market research, #CustomerJourney, #PainPoints, #Gains, #value proposition, #problem solving, #BusinessModelCanvas, #customer profile, #needs analysis, #product development, #customer loyalty, #innovation strategy, #market strategy

© HERZBLUAT Management Consultancy, Marketing & Advertising Agency, Salzburg, Austria
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