HERZBLUAT Management Consultancy, Marketing & Advertising Agency

Management consultancy
Marketing consulting
Sustainability consulting

Salzburg, Austria

HERZBLUAT Management Consultancy, Marketing & Advertising Agency

Management consultancy
Marketing consulting
Sustainability consulting

Salzburg, Austria

Quality and trust are at the forefront of corporate management.

The CMC certificate of the International Council of Management Consulting Institutes (ICMCI) is the strongest seal of quality in the consulting industry worldwide.

But why is this certificate in particular a decisive factor for the success of your company?

Superior quality:

How CMC-certified counsellors
Redefining corporate success

What does CMC certification mean?

The CMC certification, awarded by the International Council of Management Consulting Institutes (ICMCI), represents a globally recognised standard of excellence in management consulting.

This certification not only signifies a counsellor's commitment to professional development and ethical practice, but also offers significant benefits to clients and customers.

Broader perspective through CMC certification

CMC certification goes far beyond confirming professional expertise.

It signals a comprehensive recognition of the skills of consultants, based on international standards of the consulting industry.

This includes extensive knowledge in various management areas, effective consulting methods, as well as a strong commitment to ethical principles and continuous training.

CMC certification requires a demanding qualification process that encourages counsellors to constantly expand and deepen their skills.

This ensures that they remain at the cutting edge of the industry and can offer innovative solutions.

CMC Certified Management Consultant Certification Seal

The advantages of CMC-certified consultants for your company

Very high expertise and quality

The CMC certification is much more than just a title behind the name of the counsellor.

It is a seal of quality that stands for comprehensive expertise, quality and advice at the highest level.

CMC-certified consultants undergo a rigorous accreditation process that demonstrates not only their professional expertise, but also their practical experience and ability to solve complex business challenges.

These experts have taken an in-depth look at the ten functional areas of organisational management - from corporate management, strategic corporate management, legal aspects, management accounting, supply chain management, financing and creditworthiness management, information management and digitalisation, strategic marketing and sales as well as human resources.

This enables them to develop customised strategies that are directly tailored to the specific needs and objectives of a company.

Their extensive training and continuous professional development ensure that they are always up to date with the latest best practices and most innovative solutions.

This level of expertise and quality in consulting leads to sustainable improvements and measurable added value for clients.

Ethics and trust

Ethics are at the centre of the philosophy of CMC-certified consultants.

This principle forms the basis for all aspects of their work and strengthens the trust between counsellors and clients.

Compliance with the ICMCI Code of Conduct ensures that consultants demonstrate integrity, objectivity and professionalism in every interaction.

They undertake to place the interests of their clients above their own, to be transparent in their communication and to maintain the confidentiality of all company information.

These ethical principles help to build long-term relationships based on mutual respect and trust.

Clients can be assured that recommendations and strategic advice will always be given in the best interests of their organisation, free from vested interests or hidden agendas.

In an industry where trust is often hard to come by, CMC-certified consultants set the standard for ethical excellence.

Methodological expertise and ISO 20700

The ISO 20700:2019 Guidelines for Management Consultancy Services are a crucial part of the methodological competence of CMC-certified consultants.

This standard provides a framework for the provision of consistent and high quality advisory services based on the principles of transparency and mutual benefit.

CMC-certified counsellors are trained to integrate these guidelines into their counselling practice to ensure that counselling services are not only effective, but also ethical and sustainable.

They use proven methods to assess the needs of their clients, develop customised solutions and monitor and evaluate the implementation of these solutions.

This methodical approach enables them to effectively manage and support change, leading to higher customer satisfaction and better business results.

By applying the ISO 20700:2019 standards, CMC-certified consultants demonstrate their commitment to the highest level of professionalism and their ability to create positive change and real value for their clients.

Continuous improvement and learning

The requirement for CMC-certified consultants to undergo continuous training ensures that they always have access to the latest trends, tools and best practices.

For clients, this means that they benefit from the latest findings and most innovative approaches in management consulting, which increases the competitiveness and efficiency of their company.

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Mr  Ms  Divers 

The decision in favour of CMC-certified consultants is a decision in favour of quality, ethics and sustainable success.

With such experts at your side, you not only secure a competitive advantage for your company, but also sustainable development.

Would you like these benefits for your company too?

Would you like to find out more about how CMC-certified consultants from HERZBLUAT Unternehmensberatung can significantly boost your company's success?

Contact us for a no-obligation consultation and start your journey to excellent corporate management and development.

We look forward to working with you to create a more sustainable and successful future for your business.

You can reach us by telephone +43 664 81 97 894 or by e-mail to office@herzbluat.at.

Dkkfm. Gregor Wimmer, CMC
Certified management consultant
Marketing specialist

+43 664 81 97 894

#Consultant #Business #Consulting #Corporate consultant #Corporate consulting #Entrepreneur #Marketing #SME #Motivation #Management #Success #Consulting #Branding #Education #ISO20700 #Startup #Businessconsulting #Strategy #ManagementConsulting #ManagementConsulting #Consulting #Humanresources #Pprojectmanagement #Certification #CertifiedManagementConsultant #CertifiedCorporateConsultant #CMCertificate #ICMCI #QualitySealInConsulting #Pprofessionalisation #ExcellenceInConsulting

HERZBLUAT Management Consultancy, Marketing Consultancy, Sustainability Consultancy, Salzburg, Austria
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