Management consultancy
Marketing consulting
Sustainability consulting
Salzburg, Austria
Customer feedback: Why your opinion is worth its weight in gold! | HEARTBLUAT
In the digital age, where companies are constantly fighting for the attention of their target group, customer feedback has become an invaluable asset. But why is it so important? And how can it help companies like you - or us at HERZBLUAT - improve their services and forge stronger bonds with their customers?
Between Textbook and Pragmatism: Redefining Your Brand Strategy | HERZBLUAT
Textbook or pragmatism in marketing strategy - In today's business world, where trends change seemingly every second, companies are faced with the challenge of constantly rethinking their brand strategies. One question many ask themselves: Should you go strictly by the textbook or take a pragmatic approach? This article looks at both sides of the coin and shows how HERZBLUAT helps companies find the best path for their individual needs.
Why the Spice Girls are so important in marketing and management consultancy | HERZBLUAT
The song "Wannabe" (Yo, tell me what you want, what you really, really want) by the Spice Girls and briefing, re-briefing and order clarification could not be more different at first glance. One is a pop song about love and friendship, the other are important tools in corporate communication. But on closer inspection, there are some interesting parallels.
The art of planning: How much strategy does your marketing really need? | HERZBLUAT
In the dynamic world of marketing and advertising, planning is essential. But how much planning is actually necessary? And are the goals of medium-sized companies clearly defined? HERZBLUAT dives deep into the matter and sheds light on how much strategy your marketing really needs.
Typography and brand identity: How your company benefits | HERZBLUAT
In today's digital world, typography is a crucial factor for a company's brand identity. It plays a central role in visual communication and can significantly influence customer perception and behaviour. We demonstrate the importance of typography to brand identity and the benefits it can bring to your business. We draw on the expert opinion of Max Niederschick, a renowned art and creative director who has worked successfully with HERZBLUAT for many years.
HERZBLUAT and Sal23urg - Award-winning pioneers for sustainable events
In a world where sustainability is becoming more and more important, it is important that companies and events do their part. The Salzburg-based management consultancy, marketing and advertising agency HERZBLUAT has made it its business to develop radical, innovative and sustainable strategies. An outstanding example of this is the U19 Floorball World Championship qualifier "Sal23urg", which was nominated for the sustainable competition "sustainable win! 2022/23" and was awarded by Vice Chancellor Werner Kogler and Minister Leonore Gewessler. This event is a prime example of a sustainable event that paves the way for future green events.
Artificial intelligence and machine learning in advertising: opportunities and risks for SMEs | HERZBLUAT
In today's digital age, the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) in advertising has become a crucial success factor for companies. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in particular can benefit from the opportunities offered by these technologies. However, as with any innovation, there are also challenges and risks to consider. We examine the strengths, opportunities, weaknesses and risks of AI and ML for SMEs and highlight concrete application possibilities.
Future of SMEs in Austria: CSRD, ESG, SDG & HERZBLUAT
The business world is facing a wave of change. With the introduction of concepts such as the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) criteria and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations, companies are facing new challenges. Particularly affected by these changes are medium-sized companies in Austria that employ more than 249 people and/or have a balance sheet total of more than 43 million euros. Find out what these changes mean for your company and how HERZBLUAT can support you in meeting these challenges below.
Vision, mission, corporate model: The key to success | HERZBLUAT
In an ever-changing business world, it is essential for companies to have a clear vision, mission and vision statement. These elements are not only crucial for the success of a company, but also for the satisfaction and engagement of employees, customers and stakeholders. In this blog post, we explain the importance of these elements and their role in business success.
Image editing and final artwork at the highest level: A conversation with Michael Höller
In the digital age, the visual representation of a company is crucial. Professional image editing and final artwork are key elements that help to strengthen brand identity and effectively communicate a company's message. In this article, we introduce you to Michael Höller, an experienced image editor and final artist who has worked successfully with HERZBLUAT for many years. In an in-depth interview with him, we will highlight the importance and benefits of professional image editing and final artwork.