HERZBLUAT Management Consultancy, Marketing & Advertising Agency


Management consultancy
Marketing consulting
Sustainability consulting

Salzburg, Austria

Austrian IT and Consultants Day 2024 Management consultancy Marketing agency Sustainability consultancy Salzburg HERZBLUAT

Visit to the Austrian IT & Consultants Day 2024 - CMC award ceremony, inspiration & innovation

On 21 November 2024, I, Gregor Wimmer, was able to experience a very special day: the Austrian IT & Consultants Day 2024, organised by the UBIT Association of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber. The event took place in the magnificent setting of the Vienna Hofburg, a place that is perfect for celebrating outstanding achievements and visionary ideas. In addition to the opportunity to listen to inspiring presentations and network with colleagues from the industry, the official awarding of my Certified Management Consultant (CMC) diploma was the absolute highlight for me personally.

HERZBLUAT wins ÖGUT Environmental Award 2024 for "Sustainable Teaching"

HERZBLUAT is honoured with the ÖGUT Environmental Award 2024 for "Sustainable Teaching"

We have made it! Our "Sustainable Apprenticeship" project was honoured with the ÖGUT Environmental Award 2024 (special prize LEBENSART). This recognises our innovative approach to integrating sustainability into apprenticeship training and preparing young skilled workers for the challenges of the future.

step breath broom stroke small steps Beppo Momo management consultancy marketing agency advertising agency Salzburg HERZBLUAT

Step by step to success - HERZBLUAT shows how it's done

Every decision you make in your company can pave the way for long-term success - or lead you in the wrong direction. Especially as a managing director, owner or manager of a small or medium-sized company in Austria, who has to juggle numerous tasks on a daily basis, the challenges and tasks often feel overwhelming. This is exactly where the wisdom of Beppo Street Sweeper from Michael Ende's Momo comes into play: take one step at a time. This simple but powerful philosophy helps to divide large tasks into small, feasible steps. It can serve as a model for you and your company to achieve strategic goals without overextending yourself. And this is exactly where HERZBLUAT supports you - with a clear, structured approach that leads you step by step to sustainable success.

Blogade creative hurdles optimisation management consultancy marketing agency advertising agency Salzburg HERZBLUAT

Blog blockade = BLOGADE: Overcoming creative hurdles and optimising your corporate blog

The challenge of writer's block.

Anyone who has ever blogged knows the feeling: you're sitting in front of a blank screen and the words just won't flow.

This situation, often referred to as *BLOGADE*, can be frustrating, but is no reason to despair.

With strategic approaches and creative techniques, you can not only overcome these hurdles, but also develop your corporate blog into an effective marketing tool.

Crisis is not normal: strategies for stabilisation and development

Crises often catch companies unprepared and can lead to significant disruptions in business operations. They not only pose short-term challenges, but can also have a long-term impact on a company's market position and reputation.
However, every crisis also harbours the opportunity for renewal and further development.
Companies that act proactively and take strategic measures can not only mitigate the immediate effects, but also emerge from the crisis stronger. However, this requires targeted preparation and a willingness to critically scrutinise and adapt existing business models, processes and structures.
HERZBLUAT offers comprehensive support to accompany companies in this transformation process.
With customised consulting services in the areas of business model optimisation, CSR + sustainability, marketing and corporate management, HERZBLUAT helps to strengthen the resilience of companies and make them fit for the future.
The aim is not just to survive the crisis, but to use it as a catalyst for positive change.

Network breakfast Why the S in ESG is crucial Management consultancy Marketing agency Advertising agency Salzburg HERZBLUAT

Why the "S" in ESG is crucial - Network breakfast in St. Johann / Pg. - Black Edition

On 20 June 2024, entrepreneurs, consultants and experts from a wide range of industries met in the picturesque municipality of St. Johann im Pongau to take part in a special event: the networking breakfast of the UBIT Experts Groups "Cooperation and Networks" and "CSR and Sustainability". The event, supported by the Salzburg Chamber of Commerce, provided a platform for an intensive exchange on the integration of sustainability and social responsibility into the business strategies of modern companies. Gregor Wimmer, founder of HERZBLUAT Unternehmensberatung and certified expert in the field of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), together with Armin Ziesemer, provided the impetus and moderated the event.

2424 Sustainable teaching Wiener Stadtwerke Management consultancy Marketing agency Advertising agency Salzburg HERZBLUAT

Sustainable teaching: Successful workshop at Wiener Stadtwerke

In today's business world, sustainability is not just a moral imperative, but a key factor for the long-term success of companies.
The focus is increasingly shifting from short-term profits to sustainable growth that makes both ecological and economic sense.
The employees, especially the apprentices, play a central role in this, as they are the future shapers and innovators of the company.
With the "Sustainable Apprenticeship" programme, you can ensure that your apprentices are not only optimally prepared for their professional tasks, but also have the skills to integrate sustainable practices into your company.
And the best thing about it? This training is subsidised 100% by the Digi-Scheck.
And even better: we can come to your premises for as few as 3 apprentices. No matter which apprenticeship, no matter which year.

2422 CSR Sustainability and Marketing Management Consultancy Marketing Agency Advertising Agency Salzburg HERZBLUAT

CSR and marketing. Or is it now sustainability and marketing?

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainability have become key issues in the business world. More and more companies are recognising the importance of communicating their sustainable practices and successes. But what does this mean for marketing? Is CSR communication synonymous with sustainability marketing? Why it is so important for companies to report on their sustainability strategies and successes, how professional sustainability communication affects different stakeholder groups along the value chain and what the EU Green Claims Directive is all about. And how HERZBLUAT can support you in the sustainable design and implementation of your marketing and employer branding in accordance with the EU Green Claims Directive.

2420 Sustainability reporting Management consultancy Marketing agency Advertising agency Salzburg HERZBLUAT

Sustainability reporting: Non-financial reporting by companies

The requirements for corporate sustainability reporting have changed significantly in recent years. With the introduction of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS), companies must increasingly report on their environmental, social and governance performance. Who is obliged to report under the CSRD, how small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) can report voluntarily in accordance with the "Voluntary Standards for Non-Listed Small and Medium-sized Enterprises" (ESRS VSME) and what advantages this has for various stakeholders.

2418 Sustainability transformation family business management consultancy marketing agency advertising agency Salzburg HERZBLUAT

Sustainability transformation as an opportunity

Family businesses face particular challenges and opportunities in the area of tension between tradition and innovation. The sustainability transformation offers a special opportunity to act as a driver of innovation and to strategically shape organisational development. In this article, we analyse how family businesses can successfully implement this transformation, how they can implement climate-friendly measures in line with social sustainability and how they should structure their CSR and sustainability communication. We also show how HERZBLUAT can support you in these processes.

HERZBLUAT Management Consultancy, Marketing Consultancy, Sustainability Consultancy, Salzburg, Austria
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