HERZBLUAT Management Consultancy, Marketing & Advertising Agency

Management consultancy
Marketing &
Advertising agency

Salzburg, Austria

HERZBLUAT Management Consultancy, Marketing & Advertising Agency

Management consultancy
Marketing &
Advertising agency

Salzburg, Austria

In today's business world, sustainability is not just a moral imperative, but a key factor for the long-term success of companies.

The focus is increasingly shifting from short-term profits to sustainable growth that makes both ecological and economic sense.

The employees, especially the apprentices, play a central role in this, as they are the future shapers and innovators of the company.

With the "Sustainable Apprenticeship" programme, you can ensure that your apprentices are not only optimally prepared for their professional tasks, but also have the skills to integrate sustainable practices into your company.

And the best thing about it? This training is funded 100% by the Digi-Scheck.

And even better: We will come to your premises from as few as 3 apprentices. No matter which apprenticeship, no matter which year.

Sustainable teaching - Sustainability as a key factor for your company - Sustainability as the basis for long-term success

Sustainable apprenticeships
Book 100% subsidised courses for your apprentices now!

Sustainable apprenticeships - a comprehensive approach to training your apprentices

What is sustainable teaching all about?

The "Sustainable Apprenticeship" programme aims to train apprentices in the entire range of sustainability topics and enable them to integrate these into their everyday working lives.

The training is practice-orientated and covers the three central pillars of sustainability: ecology, social issues and economy.

This holistic approach ensures that your apprentices develop a deep understanding of the interactions between these areas.

Core content of the training courses at Sustainable Teaching

Introduction to sustainability:

What does sustainability mean?
Your apprentices will learn the basics of sustainability - from the definition to the historical context.

The three pillars of sustainability:

The connection between ecology, social responsibility and economic efficiency is explained in detail.

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):

Global goals in view:
The 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations are presented and their significance for corporate action is explained.

Application to the professional and private context:

Your apprentices will learn how these goals become relevant in their working environment and in their private lives and how they can contribute to achieving these goals.

Practical exercises and project experience

Calculate CO2 footprint:

A personal analysis of their own carbon footprint helps apprentices to understand the impact of their behaviour on the environment and to develop targeted improvement measures.

Waste separation and recycling management:

Practical exercises on waste separation and recycling raise awareness of the conscious use of resources and teach the principles of the circular economy.

Vision 2050 - Creative approaches for a sustainable future

Future workshops:

In creative group work, the apprentices develop innovative ideas for a sustainable world in 2050.

These visions include new forms of energy, sustainable production methods, environmentally friendly mobility solutions, ... there are no limits to the imagination.

Benefits for your company - sustainability as a strategic success factor

What do you, as a training company, gain from this?

The participation of your apprentices in the "Sustainable Apprenticeship" project offers your company numerous advantages that go far beyond the mere transfer of knowledge.

Strengthening the corporate image:

Sustainable commitment:

Companies that actively support apprentices and sustainability enjoy a higher reputation among customers, partners and the public.

This can lead to stronger customer loyalty and more trust.

Participation in initiatives such as Sustainable Teaching contribute greatly to the company's reputation as an attractive employer - both in terms of employer branding and employee branding.

Increased efficiency through sustainable action:

Potential for cost reduction:

Sustainable behaviour can help to make operating processes more efficient and reduce costs, particularly through the conscious use of energy and resources.

Competitive advantages through sustainable competences

Training for the future:

Those who train their apprentices in sustainability at an early stage create a qualified workforce that can master future challenges and develop innovative solutions.

Exclusive advantages: Key figure and stakeholder analysis

A decisive advantage of participating in "Sustainable Apprenticeship" is the opportunity to obtain valuable key figures on the sustainability knowledge and commitment of your apprentices.

This data is not only an indicator of the success of the training programme, but also an indispensable tool for your materiality analysis.

The precise mapping of the "apprentices" stakeholder group enables you to make well-founded decisions and develop strategic measures that are precisely tailored to the needs and expectations of your future skilled workers.

Practical example: Successful workshops at Wiener Stadtwerke

A current example

The successful implementation of the programme is our workshop at Wiener Stadtwerke.

Almost 20 apprentices from different companies and apprenticeships took part in an intensive training programme.

The positive response and the committed participation of the apprentices emphasise the high value of these training courses - both for the personal development of the participants and for the company's sustainability strategy.

Funding opportunities - 1001TP3Costs covered by the Digi-Scheck

We come to you - Austria-wide

Thanks to the Digi-Scheck grant there are no costs for you or the apprentices for the participation of your apprentices in further training programmes.

We take care of the entire process - from application to invoicing - so that you can concentrate fully on your training.

Our workshops can be booked flexibly and take place directly at your company instead.

With a maximum group size of 20 participants, we guarantee individual support and a high level of learning intensity.

The minimum number of participants is three apprentices. Every apprenticeship - every apprenticeship year. Mixed is also possible.

How does the registration work?

Registration is very simple:

Contact us by e-mail at gregor.wimmer@nachhaltige-lehre.at or by telephone at +436648197894.

We will be happy to advise you on the various options and help you choose the right workshop for your apprentices.

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Mr  Ms  Divers 

Invest in the future of your company - sustainably, efficiently and subsidised

Take the opportunity to equip your apprentices with the necessary skills that are crucial in the modern world of work.

By participating in "Sustainable Apprenticeship", you are not only investing in the future of your apprentices and your company, but also making an important contribution to environmental protection and social responsibility.

Together with you, we want to shape a more sustainable and successful future.

Register now and shape the future!

Register your apprentices today and secure a place in our workshops.

Further information can be found on our website: Sustainable apprenticeships.

We look forward to working with you to shape a sustainable and successful future for your company.

You can reach us by telephone +43 664 81 97 894 or by e-mail to office@herzbluat.at.

Dkkfm. Gregor Wimmer, CMC
Certified management consultant
Certified sustainability expert
Marketing specialist

+43 664 81 97 894

#SustainableTeaching #GreenFuture #StakeholderEngagement #Apprenticeships #SustainabilityInCompany #100PerCentSupported #MaterialityAnalysis #Innovation #CorporateStrategy #CreativityMeetsSustainability #Promotion #PromotedTraining #MyWorldOurPlanet #EUClimatePact #EnvironmentalAwareness #Sustainability #CO2Reduction #ResourceConservation #CircularEconomy #ShapingFuture #SustainableFuture #SDGs #GreenDeal #EnergyEfficiency #DigiScheck #EnvironmentalEducation #ClimateProtection #Ecology #SocialSustainability#EconomicSustainability

© HERZBLUAT Management Consultancy, Marketing & Advertising Agency, Salzburg, Austria
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