HERZBLUAT Management Consultancy, Marketing & Advertising Agency

Management consultancy
Marketing &
Advertising agency

Salzburg, Austria

HERZBLUAT Management Consultancy, Marketing & Advertising Agency

Management consultancy
Marketing &
Advertising agency

Salzburg, Austria

Crises often hit companies unprepared and can lead to significant disruptions in business operations.
They not only pose short-term challenges, but can also have long-term effects on a company's market position and reputation.

However, every crisis also harbours the opportunity for renewal and further development.

Companies that act proactively and take strategic measures can not only mitigate the immediate effects, but also emerge from the crisis stronger.
However, this requires targeted preparation and a willingness to critically scrutinise and adapt existing business models, processes and structures.

HERZBLUAT offers comprehensive support to accompany companies in this transformation process.

With customised consulting services in the areas of business model optimisation, CSR + sustainability, marketing and corporate management, HERZBLUAT helps to strengthen the resilience of companies and make them fit for the future.

The aim is not just to survive the crisis, but to use it as a catalyst for positive change.

Strategies for stabilisation and development.

Crisis is not normal.

A crisis is a sudden and profound disruption, e.g. to business operations.

Definition and meaning

A crisis is a sudden and profound disruption to business operations.

It can be triggered by economic downturns, natural disasters, pandemics or other unforeseeable events.

Such situations require rapid adjustments and long-term changes.

Development of resilience points

The importance of early preparation and the development of resilience points cannot be underestimated, as they make a decisive contribution to navigating the company through difficult times and ensuring sustainable success.

Short, medium and long-term effects of crises on companies

Short term

In the short term, crises can lead to declining sales, disruptions in the supply chain and operational challenges.

Medium term

In the medium term, there is a risk of reputational damage, especially if the crisis is not managed effectively.

Long term

In the long term, structural adjustments may be necessary in order to adapt the business model to the new circumstances.

Stakeholder trust

ESG factors (environmental, social, governance) are playing an increasingly important role in crisis management and help to maintain and strengthen stakeholder confidence.

Ways out of the crisis - solution hypotheses

Optimisation of the business model

A comprehensive review and adjustment of the business model is essential.

This can include the diversification of products and services, the development of new markets and the optimisation of internal processes.

HERZBLUAT supports companies in developing innovative and robust business models that are sustainable even in uncertain times.

CSR + sustainability

Sustainability and social responsibility are particularly important in times of crisis.

Companies should not only make their internal processes more sustainable, but also communicate their measures transparently.

HERZBLUAT offers comprehensive advice on the development and implementation of CSR strategies that contribute to the long-term stability and growth of the company.


Crises require marketing strategies to be adapted in order to continue communicating effectively with customers and stakeholders.

This includes reviewing and adapting messages, choosing suitable communication channels and emphasising values such as trust and reliability.

HERZBLUAT supports companies in strengthening their brand messages and consolidating their market position.

Corporate management

Managers play a central role in crisis management.

They must not only be able to act quickly and decisively, but also show empathy and transparency towards their employees and other stakeholders.

HERZBLUAT offers training and consultancy to train managers in crisis management techniques and prepare them for the challenges they face.

The benefits - how do you and your customers benefit?
1 – 2 – 3 – 4

Firstly: Resilience

The implementation of strategic crisis management measures brings numerous advantages.

Firstly, it strengthens the company's resilience to future crises and increases its agility.

Companies that react early to changing market conditions and adapt their business models can secure competitive advantages and gain market share.

Secondly: reputation improvement

Secondly, the integration of ESG principles (Environmental, Social, Governance) not only promotes the sustainable development of the company, but also improves its reputation with customers, investors and other stakeholders.

This can lead to greater trust and stronger customer loyalty.

Thirdly: Building a strong and positive brand identity

Thirdly, clear and consistent communication that addresses the needs and expectations of stakeholders enables the creation of a strong and positive brand identity.

In addition, the internal corporate culture is strengthened when managers demonstrate transparency and empathy, which promotes employee motivation and loyalty.

Fourthly: Opportunity for new business areas and innovations

Finally, proactive crisis management also opens up the opportunity to open up new business areas and drive innovation.

HERZBLUAT supports companies in realising these advantages and shaping a sustainably successful future.

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Mr  Ms  Divers 

Crises offer the opportunity for further development and improvement.

With the support of HERZBLUAT, companies can not only overcome the immediate effects of a crisis, but also emerge from it stronger in the long term.

The preventive development of resilience points, the integration of sustainable practices and strong leadership are crucial not only to survive crises, but also to capitalise on new opportunities.

HERZBLUAT supports companies as a competent partner to accompany them on this path and ensure a sustainable and successful future.

We look forward to working with you to shape a sustainable and successful future for your company.

You can reach us by telephone +43 664 81 97 894 or by e-mail to office@herzbluat.at.

Dkkfm. Gregor Wimmer, CMC
Certified management consultant
Certified sustainability expert
Marketing specialist

+43 664 81 97 894

#CrisisManagement, #BusinessResilience, #StrategicPlanning, #Sustainability, #CSR, #CorporateResponsibility, #MarketingStrategy, #BusinessTransformation, #Leadership, #ChangeManagement, #Innovation, #BusinessGrowth, #SustainableBusiness, #RiskManagement, #StakeholderEngagement, #ESG, #BusinessContinuity, #CrisisRecovery, #ResilientLeadership, #BusinessDevelopment, #MarketAdaptation, #StrategicAdvisory, #CorporateStrategy, #FutureSafe, #OrganisationalChange, #SustainableGrowth, #ProactiveManagement, #BrandReputation, #EmployeeEngagement, #LongTermSuccess

© HERZBLUAT Management Consultancy, Marketing & Advertising Agency, Salzburg, Austria
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